DC Universe Online is a video game developed as a massively multiplayer online role-playing game for the PC and PlayStation 3 in 2011. It has since expanded to macOS, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Wonder Woman features as a main character as well as Themyscira and several of her supporting characters and villains.
- Wonder Woman — Gina Torres (2011-2013)
- Wonder Woman — Susan Eisenberg (2013-present)
- Circe — Michelle Forbes
- Nubia — Valoneecia Tolbert
- Cheetah — Adriene Mishler
- Donna Troy — Deena Hyatt
- Cassandra Sandsmark — Mindy Raymond
- Doctor Psycho — Robert Matney
- Artemis — Leah Bowers
- Egg Fu — Ev Lunning
- Giganta — Lana Lesley
- Veronica Cale — Debra Cole
- Aphrodite — Jenny Larson
- Athena
- Hades
- Lieutenant Pythia
- Hippolyta
- Ares
- Zeus